miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018

Origen de la Maratón

El maratón es la primera carrera documentada de la historia. Su origen se remonta a la gesta realizada por el soldado griego Filipides, quien murió de cansancio en el año 490 a. C después de recorrer unos 42 km desde Maratón hasta Atenas para anunciar la victoria de Grecia sobre el ejército persa. 

Blob Tree

The original Blob Tree was created in the early 1980s by Pip and Ian as an effective way of communicating with young people and adults who found reading difficult, and quickly proved to be accessible to children and young people of all ages. The Tree stands for a group, a family, an organisation, in fact any gathering of people. The Blobs are representative of two languages used by people throughout the world – feelings and body language.

How to play Kin Ball

Disc Golf - Sport

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2018

Mahara - Porfolio

Appear in ("Skype" sin tener que instalar ningún programa)

Realiza videoconferencias con muy buena calidad sin tener que instalar ningún programa.

Individual Websites - Learn English

Institutional Websites - Learn English





PuzzleMaker (Create English Resources)

Excelente página web para crear multitud de recursos para IMPRIMIR

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018

Fruity Party Activities

JMatch Fruit in English

Código para hacer una entrada en blog desde otra página web

<iframe frameborder="0"

Cambiar "website" por tu página web

Let's eat fruit!

Making the most of your interactive whiteboard (tutorial)

Hot potatoes (Create interative exercises)

The Hot Potatoes suite includes six applications, enabling you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web. Hot Potatoes is freeware, and you may use it for any purpose or project you like. It is not open-source. The Java version provides all the features found in the windows version, except: you can't upload to hotpotatoes.net and you can't export a SCORM object from Java Hot Potatoes.

Jquiz: Tool for making question-based exercises. 4 basic question types: 1) Multiple-choice questions; 2) Short-answer questions; 3) Hybrid question; 4) Multi-select questions 

JCloze: Tool for creating gap-filling or cloze exercises. 

JMatch: Tool for creating matching exercises: standard (drop-down list); drag-drop 

JMiz: Tool for making jumble exercises 

JCross: Tool for creating crossword exercises 

The Mahser: Tool for helping the user make larger units of materials linked together.

Images without copyright



viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2018

Flip PDF

Programa Flip PDF, es una fácil opción para convertir tus PDFs en libros virtuales consiguiendo una mejor presentación y visualización del contenido.